Active Shooter Training

Great article on us in the Lansing State Journal. Get in Shape and Go Home Safe! Come in for your free class today!

Learn the self defense system of the Israeli Special Forces. It has been dubbed as the most effective self defense system in the world.

We have a dynamic real world active shooter training program. Come train with us today!

Krav Maga

If martial arts floats your boat, but you’re looking for something less competitive, consider Krav Maga, which is used by Israeli Defense Forces. Krav Maga students learn to defend and counterattack simultaneously in a short period of time. Because the classes are fast paced, you “learn to defend yourself while getting into shape, so it’s a win-win,” said Justin Moore, owner and instructor at Spartan Krav Maga.

Why people love it

“[Krav Maga] is simplistic, because it’s based on natural movements and all the techniques are designed to help people defend themselves in real-life situations,” Moore explained.

What to watch out for

  • All ages welcome. Students range from 12 to 70 years old.
  • Be prepared to put what you learn to the test in a drill involving an assailant.
  • Krav Maga is not about scoring points. It’s about survival.

Where to go

Spartan Krav Maga, 3480 Dunckel Rd., Lansing.

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